
Showing posts from May, 2019

Frame Progress

"We" have made great progress on the frame build. I can't call it a rebuild, because there was nothing to salvage about the original frame. Since this part of the build requires all of Dennis and practically nothing of Lori (except as a sounding board and fiscal-agreement-partner), I am definitely using the "we" part very loosely. Dennis has pondered this build from every angle and fraction of an inch for a couple of months now, so he's been pleasantly surprised how the actual build has come together really quickly. Those steel beams are not lightweight, and once he brought the steel home, he spent a not-small-amount-of-time just thinking about how to work with the lengths he needed to use safely.   He briefed me this morning on how the A-frame assembly had gone. He had to set those members at a very precise angle to make them match at the front, which required some genius on his part. (I work with cotton, so everything he's doing in steel seems my